Archive for 2009
how to make batik
The Process of Making Batik - Step by Step
Step 1The first wax is applied over the penciled-in outline of the pattern. Almost always the original cloth is white or beige. | |
Step 2The cloth is dyed in the first dye bath. In this case the first dyebath is indigo blue. The area of the cloth where the wax was applied in Step 1 will remain white. | |
Step 3Second application of wax is applied. In this case it is a dark brown color. A poorer quality of wax is used to cover larger areas of cloth. The darker color helps to differentiate it from the first wax applied. Any parts that are covered with this wax application will remain the indigo color. |
Step 4The cloth is dyed in the second dye bath. In this case it is a navy blue. Any areas that are not covered by wax will become dark blue. | |
Step 5All the wax that has been applied thus far is removed. This is done by heating the wax and scraping it off and also by applying hot water and sponging off the remaining wax. | |
Step 6Wax is applied to the area of the fabric that the artist wishes to remain the indigo blue color. |
Step 7Wax is applied to the area of the fabric that the artist wishes to remain white. | |
Step 8The fabric is submerged in the final dye bath. In this case it is brown. Any areas of the cloth that have not been covered with wax will become brown. | |
Step 9The finished cloth after all of the wax has been removed. |
Tools of Batik :)
Liquid Wax Pen
BeesWax Pellets - 3.5 oz
Copper Batik Tjaps
Melting Pot Project Pan
Melting Pot
Procion Deluxe Batik Starter Set
Tjantings (Batik Tools for Applying Wax)
Better Tjantings (Batik Tools)
Electric Tjanting Tool & Temperature Regulator
Batik Tjanting Sets
Batik Dropper Pen
Flat Brushes
Foam Brushes
Soy Wax Flakes
Batik Wax
Sticky (Microcrystalline) Wax
Paraffin Wax
Inko Resist
Electronic Digital Scale
Pocket Digital Scale
Easy Fix Fabric Stretcher Frames & Hooks
Wooden Embroidery Hoops
Silk Clips
Chinese Suspension Hooks
Silk Thumbtacks
Stainless Steel Pushpins
Rubber Bands
Projecta Scope
Blank Newsprint Paper
Fine Line Applicator
Wooden Tapestry Hangers